Check out the programs for numerous ecosystem support opportunities.
- Grants - The Grant Program in the Polkadot Ecosystem.
- Decentralized Futures - Learn about the Decentralized Futures Program.
- Treasury - Polkadot's On-chain Treasury.
- Polkadot Community Foundation - Polkadot Community Foundation.
- Ecosystem Funds - An Overview of the Trusted Polkadot Ecosystem Development Funds.
If you are certain you want to apply for a W3F grant, head straight to the application process documentation. Alternatively, the flowchart below outlines where we think the grants program fits in relation to other popular funding opportunities. For a longer list and a description of the programs listed below, check out the page on alternative funding opportunities.
Funding Opportunities Overview¶
flowchart LR
A(Project Focus)
A -->|Development| B[Stage of Development]
A -->|Research| C[Grants Program]
A -->|Other| D[Business model exists]
B -->|Existing POC| E[Treasury]
B -->|No POC| F[Grants Program]
D -->|No|H[Treasury]
D -->|Yes|J[Venture Capital]
style C stroke:#e83e8c,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style E stroke:#e83e8c,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style F stroke:#e83e8c,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style H stroke:#e83e8c,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style J stroke:#e83e8c,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
click C "" "Apply now"
click E "" "Submit your Referendum"
click F "" "Apply now"
click H "" "" _blank
click J ""
Funding FAQ¶
- Will the grant be awarded to those delivering a complete product that everyone in the ecosystem can use?
The grant does not necessarily require a finished product. It can be awarded at various stages of a project’s development. The goal is to support ongoing progress, so even partial advancements are eligible.
- After receiving a grant, can a team request funds from the treasury to continue development, or will they be advised to opt for other existing funding options, like Polimec? Is that possible?
Teams can indeed request additional funds from the treasury after the initial grant. The grant is a great way to demonstrate capability and commitment to the community. Continued support would depend on community approval, but proving the project’s value through initial funding can help.
- Since the grant will be awarded in stablecoin, why isn’t the bounty requested in stablecoin?
Grants are not awarded in stablecoin. Grant applications are denominated in USD but will be converted to DOT at the time of payment. Currently, it’s not feasible to fund bounties directly with stablecoins. However, as this is programmable, we might explore potentially managing multiple assets through an AH address controlled by curators in the future, similar to the classic setup on the relay chain.
- Will there be publicity for the bounty? That is, will social media be created where potential candidates can learn about the requirements, steps to participate, and so on?
All grant-related information will be available on GitHub for easy access. However, we do not plan a dedicated social media presence. Instead, we’ll advertise the bounty individually and rely on word of mouth.