Polkadot Staking Dashboard¶
View On Dune: Polkadot Staking Dashboard¶
Polkadot Staking Dashboard¶
Completed Era - completed era can have at most 2 days delay before the staking rewards & apy computation becomes available. The Staking Home Page is showing the most recently completed era
Please note that Reward Rate and Effective Reward Rate can be volatile as erapoint varies based on network condition and total delegation amount are subject to phragmen algo
Authored by Stanley, Jerry, and William @ colorfulnotion (QA'ed: MK)
Rewards Rate Math¶
Reward Rate - computed as (validator_erasRewardPoints/erasRewardPoints_total) * ErasValidatorReward / validator_total_stake.
Effective Reward Rate - computed as (1-validator*commision) * (validator*erasRewardPoints/erasRewardPoints_total) * ErasValidatorReward / validator_total_stake - In other words, (1-validator_commision) *Reward Rate, after considering validator_commision
Normalized Reward Rate - computed as total_era_rewards / number_of_validators * (1 - commission) / validator_total_stake. This metric nomoralized the reward rate across active validator sets
Raw staking data can be found at polkadot.stakings table. To demonstrate how to compute and generate validators, nominators, pools, poolmembers granular metrics, the following queries have been provided:
- Validators - dune.substrate.result_polkadot_validators (MetVeiw)
- Nominators - dune.substrate.result_polkadot_nominators (MetVeiw)
- Nomination Pools - dune.substrate.result_polkadot_nominationpools (MetVeiw)
- Pool Members - dune.substrate.result_polkadot_poolmembers (MetVeiw)
- On-Chain Identities - dune.substrate.result_polkadot_identity (MetVeiw)
Github repo: substrate-etl