Version Subscription¶
XCM is a versioned messaging format. One version may contain more or different instructions than another, so for parties to communicate via XCM, it is important to know which version the other party is using. XCM enables a version subscription model, where parties can subscribe to each other to get notified of version updates. XCM has two instructions to enable this:
The version subscription model can differ per XCVM implementation. The xcm-executor
has a
config item. Any type
specified as the SubscriptionService
must implement the VersionChangeNotifier
trait. The XCM
pallet is one such implementor. When the SubscribeVersion
instruction is sent to a consensus
system that uses the XCM pallet as the SubscriptionService
in the XCM executor, the system will
send back its currently AdvertisedVersion
and will keep the subscribed location up to date when
the version changes. The subscribed location can unsubscribe to version changes by sending the
SubscribeVersion {
query_id: QueryId,
max_response_weight: Weight,
Check out the example.